Kornhornio's Discoveries

This blog is about useful software I've discovered. I may post a program of my own from time to time, but for the most part this blog is about cool little programs and utilities I've found. Most of them are free or open source programs. These are programs I use on my own computers, and they work well for me, but don't blame me if your computer ends up opening a hole in the Earth.

TaskSwitchXP   Thursday, March 16, 2006

Screen shot of TaskSwitchXP
Screen shot © 2006 NTWind Software
TaskSwitchXP is a program that replaces the default Windows Alt-Tab task switcher. It improves upon the Windows version by showing a picture of each open window instead of just an icon.

This can be very helpful when you have several windows open for the same program (your web browser, for example) because you can easily see which window is which. That may not sound important until you try to alt-tab your way out of a porn site at work and end up at... another porn site. If only you could have seen where you were switching, you might still have a job.


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