KDE mouse | Friday, April 07, 2006 |
If you've ever used KDE or Enlightenment in Linux, you might have noticed a feature that lets you move and resize windows without having to click on their title bars or borders. You can hold down the ALT key and move windows around with the left mouse button, or resize them with the right mouse button. The cool part is you can do this anywhere on the window, so you can save yourself a lot of mouse movement.
Martin Ankerl has made a little program called KDE Mouse to emulate this behavior in Windows.
A little note: while this program works great if you're mainly stuck in normal Windows applications (Word, Excel, whatever spyware-infested crap is floating around the internet in e-mails with "FW:" in the subject line), I've seen it cause problems with certain games. If you run into problems, you may need to close this program before starting up your games.
Edit: Updated link to Martin's new website AGAIN - stop moving!! :)